Abstract: Analysis of the Development Direction of a Conceptual Academic Library Resource Sharing Service based on a Case Study of DXY


Xiaofei Niu, Ling Zhang & Li Han; Beijing Normal University Library (China)


Under the influence of the increasingly complex information environment, library resource-sharing service is on the decline. It will become a marginalized service in the near future, if no change is to be made. This paper, stepping out of the library-oriented position, observes the information service market to rethink about the direction of library resource-sharing service development.


DXY, originating from P2P document sPoupply, serves as a commercial academic community and is a leading connector and digital service provider in the healthcare industry of China. The paper discusses the direction of resource-sharing service reform based on the analysis of the DXY’s development trajectory and the status quo.


Library resource-sharing service should try to make a breakthrough from the traditional cognitive framework such as “simple document provider”, “campus academic user”, and upgrade the document service to an operator/a participant of virtual academic communities. In this way, it will be able to provide more comprehensive discipline information and information interchange chances for the users.


In the OA tide, resource sharing service should learn from successful academic communities and upgrade to an open and modern service model so as to meet the users’ multiple and personalized information demands.


Resource Sharing, Document Supply, Open Access, Virtual Academic Community