Bio: Jarmo Saarti

Dr. Saarti is the Library Director of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and adjunct professor (docent) at both the University of Oulu and the University of Tampere. He has been the chair of the board of the National Repository Library in Finland and a member of the board of the National Library of Finland. He has been a member of the IFLA’s standing committee of the Academic Libraries and Other Research Libraries Section and is at the present member of the Standing Committee of the Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing. He was elected as the chair of the Finnish Research Library Association (STKS) for the years 2014 – 2017 and as a board member for the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (more at
He has specialized in the knowledge organization of fiction and in the management of libraries. He has published about 300 professional and academic papers and he has written, co-written or edited about 50 books.
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